Unfilter Yourself

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Josie Smith

23 May 2024

32m 7s

Ep. 122: Navigating Storms, Calming Chaos, & Rebuilding Foundations



Initially, this episode was supposed to be called "Lessons I've Learned from Yoga"...

And while I do share some of those lessons in this episode, I went on a little bit of a tangent early on and the entire episode turned into a discussion about some struggles I've been working through recently that have had me feeling stuck and uncertain in a lot of ways. And I share how I've begun to navigate those situations with some loving but challenging words from a mentor.

I talk about seasons - both literal seasons that relate to weather, and the seasons we experience in life. I talk about building road maps to reach our goals and also being willing to change and rebuild those road maps when things change. Because as we take the journey to reach the goals we've set, we grow and change, we overcome obstacles, we develop new tools to use along the way, all of which allow us to elevate our road map to a new level.

I share how I've begun to rebuild certain parts of my own road map after some of the foundational pieces I'd built upon crumbled and fell apart. And I share how integral my yoga practice has been in allowing me to stay connected to myself and how doing the inner work makes the outer work that much more relevant.

And, as I initially set out to do, I also share the lessons I've learned from yoga:

1) Never stop trying things that force you out of your comfort zone

2) Everything is always only a suggestion

3) You will never know all there is to know or be able to do all there is to do

4) There's no room for comparison or self-judgment on the mat

5) The body stores emotions that our conscious mind cannot access

6) Surround yourself with magical people

7) Never skip Savasana


Connect with Josie:

Website: josiesmithcoaching.com

1:1 Coaching with Josie (3 month coaching program, by application only)

90 Minute Success Strategy Session

The 30-Day Purpose Journal: Reconnect with yourself, realign with your purpose, and reignite your dreams

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