Unfilter Yourself

episode artwork

Josie Smith

03 September 2024

38m 43s

Ep. 126: Finding the Light in a Season of Darkness



After a two month break from podcasting (and so many other things too!) I'm back with a new episode! And in this episode, I share a little about where I've been over the past couple of months... what I've been doing (and not doing!)... what prompted me to take a social media break (and how freakin hard it was!)... why I loaded my dogs in the car one night at 1am and drove around for 3 hours in the middle of the night... hail the size of baseballs... watching trees fly down my street from my living room window... and my upcoming solo retreat to the desert...

You don't want to miss this episode! I'm so excited to be back and to share more in the coming weeks of all the new things to come!


Connect with Josie:

Website: josiesmithcoaching.com

1:1 Coaching with Josie (3 month coaching program, by application only)

90 Minute Success Strategy Session

The 30-Day Purpose Journal: Reconnect with yourself, realign with your purpose, and reignite your dreams

Get a FREE copy of the one week version of the journal.

Would you like Josie to speak at your event?! Click here to inquire! 

Follow on IG: @josiesmithofficial 

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